EngageEventsA Look Into the Near Future: Opportunities in Public Interest Technology
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A Look Into the Near Future: Opportunities in Public Interest Technology

PIT at Penn graphic

Learn about PIT careers in criminal justice, cryptology, environmental sustainability, and more with four recent college alumni panelists.

PIT@Penn will be hosting recent college alumni who have experience in navigating the challenging world that is public interest technology. We hope to provide attending students with information and inspiration to get involved in various public interest technology fields. We look forward to hearing firsthand from recent alumni about their experiences along this journey.

  • Sophia Tareen (C’17), Associate Product Manager, Ad Hoc
  • Lauren Chambers, Technology Fellow, ACLU Massachusetts
  • Shaanan Cohney (ENG’12 LPS’13 GEN’16 ML’19 GR’20), Lecturer, University of Melbourne
  • Richard Ling (ENG’20), Founder, SolveOpen

We will be doing a raffle giveaway for event participants… register for the event below for a chance to win $30 of Amazon money!

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