EngageEventsCalling in the Calling Out Culture
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Calling in the Calling Out Culture

headshot of Loretta Ross with red to blue gradient overlay

Calling in the Calling Out Culture – A Dialogue with Loretta Ross

Loretta Ross is progressive, a feminist, an educator and a social activist of great accomplishment.  But she is worried that many of her fellow progressives have somewhat lost their way in how they advocate for justice.  That’s why she’s been crisscrossing the land to offer her alternative to calling out/cancel culture: “Calling in,” or the art of opening closed minds through listening, patience and understanding.

Ross, a professor at Smith College, a podcaster and frequent op-ed contributor to major outlets, will present her philosophy of “calling in” during a virtual talk on Oct. 27, open to the entire Penn community.   The evening will include dialogue between Ross and some students in the SNF Paideia Program.

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