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Race and Black Orthodoxy

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The SNF Paideia designated course Orthodox America (RELS 3100/6100) taught by Professor Reyhan Durmaz invites all Penn community to the following lectures during class time. To register and for the readings, email Dr. Durmaz at rdurmaz@upenn.edu

Elena Kravchenko, Senior Lecturer in Religious Studies at Washington University in St. Louis, will speak on “race and Black Orthodoxy”.

Dr. Kravchenko’s research and teaching interests includes theory and methods in Religious Studies (including material culture) as well as diasporic religion, trans-Atlantic Christianity and Orthodox Christianity in the United States.

She teaches the required courses for the Religious Studies major and major: Thinking About Religion, an introductory course that explores questions such as “what is religion and how can we study it?” and Theories and Methods in the Study of Religion, an advanced course which continues exploring the question, “What is religion?” by considering classic and contemporary theories in Religious Studies. She also teaches a variety of courses on religion such as: Religion in the Kitchen; Religion, Transnationalism and Diaspora; Global Christianities; and Material Religion.

poster orthodox america lecture series

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