EngageEventsRule of Law in America and Abroad: A Comparative View
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Rule of Law in America and Abroad: A Comparative View


The National Constitution Center and Renew Democracy Initiative present a discussion exploring how the rule of law is protected in constitutional systems around the world—including the United States—and how to ensure its survival when threatened by modern challenges. What happens to constitutions when legal and political norms are violated, and how can we defend rule of law and ensure that our civic institutions remain strong?

The panel will feature a unique set of perspectives, including both foreign dissidents who have risked their lives to fight for freedom in their home countries—Garry Kasparov, chairman of the Renew Democracy Initiative, and Judge Claudia Escobar, Guatemalan whistleblower and former magistrate of the Court of Appeals of Guatemala—and legal experts Robert P. George and Kim Lane Scheppele of Princeton University. Jeffrey Rosen, president and CEO of the National Constitution Center, moderates. Presented in partnership with the SNF Paideia Program.

Watch via YouTube

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