EngageEventsSNF Paideia Retreat
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Past Event

SNF Paideia Retreat

Walk Around Philly Sticker under bridge

SNF Paideia Fellows and campus partners “Walk Around Philadelphia” together.

Ten small groups of Penn students, faculty, and staff will walk the perimeter of the city, each taking a different portion so as to cover the entire perimeter of the city of Philadelphia. As they walk they will engage in reflective dialogue with themselves, each other, and the city, gaining a more nuanced understanding of the diverse landscape, history, terrain, and place that is Philadelphia.

Through this unconventional tour of the city’s boundary, “Walk Around Philadelphia” aims to create a sense of place, a sense of belonging, and a sense of accomplishment. Participants may encounter a wide range of experiences prompting change and transformation along the way.

See details here.

The Walk Around Philadelphia experiential components are open to SNF Paideia Fellows and invited campus partners. Members of the wider Penn community are welcome to join us Saturday, August 28, for storytelling and reflection.

Registration is now closed. If you have any questions, please contact SNF Paideia by email at info@snfpaideia.upenn.edu

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