Amelia is a student in the College of Arts and Sciences majoring in Health and Societies on the pre-med track. As an aspiring doctor and public health advocate, she hopes to increase healthcare access and equity in minority communities. She wants to better understand the root causes of healthcare disparity in the United States and explore possible solutions to reduce the disparity.
As a SNF Paideia Fellow, she will prepare for the difficult conversations surrounding equity and access in healthcare, as healthcare is a very divisive topic within many fields. She hopes to become a more well-rounded citizen and advance the overall well-being of people.
At Penn, she is on board for the Latinx Coalition and works to increase the visibility of the Latinx community on campus while also collaborating with the other minority groups on common goals. In addition, she is heavily involved in the Penn Band, representing Penn at various events at and beyond campus and continuing her love of music.