Julian Williams is a student of Humanistic Philosophy at the College of Arts and Sciences. Though Philosophy may not seem like the most practical choice of study, Julian believes its interdisciplinary nature and roots in critical thinking will bear much fruit in all future endeavors. Prior to Penn, Julian was a C/Lt Col in the Civil Air Patrol. This led him to dialogue with not just prospective, active, and retired military personnel but with members of the community. Through this program, he has helped create and facilitate events like parades, ceremonies, and social events for New Jersey cadets and taught many classes ranging from emergency services to ethical decision-making. Throughout his time at Penn, Julian wants to learn what it means to be a fundamentally good and civically minded person. This search may not have a concrete answer, but he is up for the task of trying to apply what he learns to his life. Julian is hoping to pursue a career in education with the goal of addressing the problems of inequality and inequity in teaching and learning that urban America faces.
When not philosophizing, Julian enjoys reading everything; whether it be Percy Jackson or a contemporary philosopher, he spends most of his time reading. One of his favorite pastimes is listening to music and longboarding while exploring Philadelphia. As a SNF Paideia fellow, Julian wishes to continue to mix dialogue with civic service to try and better himself as well as education in urban areas. He wishes not only to expand his community but also to help foster and better other communities. Not only by studying Socrates’ elenchus but also through other methods of dialogue, Julian knows he can fulfill the values of the program. Through the SNF Paideia program, he knows that he will be able to make change with dialogue and understanding.