AboutOur PeopleYasmin Wiesenfeld
Headshot of woman with long light brown hair smiling at camera wearing black short-sleeved shirt
Fellow, Class of 2027

Yasmin Wiesenfeld

College of Arts and Sciences

Yasmin Wiesenfeld is interested in Math, Statistics, and Economics. She loves logic, solving puzzles, and engaging in thoughtful discussions.  

Yasmin looks forward to using her experience in SNF Paideia to consider complex social issues, especially in education. She has worked as a volunteer tutor throughout high school and at Penn through WPTP, and also enjoys volunteering at a West Philadelphia elementary school once a week through Community School Student Partnerships. Over the last few years, Yasmin has enjoyed studying best practices to build community in schools and create better learning environments for underserved students.  

Yasmin’s enthusiasm for evidence-based solutions and her love for unpacking the root causes of issues make her particularly excited about the Paideia program. She is drawn to the prospect of engaging in conversations that prioritize active listening, factual analysis, and emotional understanding, aiming to bridge the gap between data-driven insights and human experiences. Yasmin sees SND Paideia as a platform to cultivate a holistic understanding of societal issues and to contribute meaningfully to positive change. Through her participation in the program, she aims to foster connections, deepen her empathy, and explore ways to leverage her skills for the betterment of society.