EngagePerspectivesSNF Paideia Staff and Fellows Attend SNF Nostos in Athens, Greece
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SNF Paideia Staff and Fellows Attend SNF Nostos in Athens, Greece

The Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) Nostos 2023 Conference convened at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center in Athens, June 20-23.

group of people standing on deck with Acropolis in background

This year’s theme focused on mental health challenges and developing innovative solutions. With the generous support of SNF, seven current and recently graduated SNF Paideia Fellows plus eight SNF Paideia staff members were able to attend. They participated in a wide range of activities including an SNF Dialogues discussion of the mental health consequences of political polarization and a conversation between President Barack Obama and SNF Co-President Andreas Dracopoulos covering the importance of democratic engagement, reducing inequality, and supporting the next generation of citizens and leaders.

group of people standing on steps inside a library

A very special conversation between Penn President Liz Magill, SNF Co-President Andreas Dracopoulos, W’86, and the SNF Paideia staff, students, and alumni was held in the rare book collection of the National Library of Greece located in the SNF Cultural Center.

four people sitting is a semi-circle

Reflections and continued insights from the trip will unfold for each attendee over the summer and beyond. SNF Paideia is grateful to the Foundation and President Magill for the ongoing support and leadership.

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