EngageEventsFire PIT Chat with Billy Easley, Senior Public Policy Lead, Reddit
Past Event

Fire PIT Chat with Billy Easley, Senior Public Policy Lead, Reddit

Join Penn’s Public Interest Technology initiative online for a discussion with headshot for PIT UN speaker Bill Easley. Man with dark skin and black hair smiling at camera wearing black glasses and a grey blazer, brown tie, and white shirt Mr. Billy Easley, Senior Public Policy Lead at Reddit. We will discuss the intersection of law, technology, and public policy, what it is like to work on issues that are at the forefront of many public policy debates, and the lessons he has learned about working across the diverse perspectives represented in these debates.


Fire PIT Chats are small-group discussions to ensure everyone has the opportunity to participate. You can request to participate in the discussion with Billy Easley using the linked form. Space is kept open for students across all of Penn’s schools. If you would like to receive information about future Fire PIT Chats, let us know here.


About Billy Easley
Billy Easley is the head of US Public Policy at Reddit, where he covers content moderation, privacy, and copyright issues for the social media platform on both the state and federal level. He previously worked on tech and criminal justice issues for Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky and for the policy team at Americans for Prosperity. He is a native Texan and would usually rather be playing Dungeons and Dungeons than working.

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