Dr. Mackenzie’s areas of expertise include contemplative sciences, mindfulness meditation, mind-body medicine, and healthy development. For five years she was a Research Assistant Professor in the division of Geriatric Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, where she conducted research on mental health and spirituality. Following that, she was a Lecturer in the School of Arts and Sciences teaching courses in humanistic and holistic medicine with a focus on learning writing skills. Currently, her main areas of academic interest are contemplative education and mindfulness meditation. With colleagues from Penn GSE, Dr. Mackenzie has conducted pilot evaluations of mindfulness-based teacher training. In addition to her appointment at Penn GSE, she is a member of the Associated Faculty in the Health and Societies Program at Penn where she teaches undergraduate courses in health and healing. Dr. Mackenzie is a Certified Koru Mindfulness Teacher, a form of mindfulness practice designed specifically for Emerging Adults.
