EngageEventsSNF Paideia Fellows Information Session
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SNF Paideia Fellows Information Session

Students in a classroom

Developing the knowledge, skills, and values needed for effective, ethical, and civil dialogue in a diverse world.

Learn how you can develop the skills and knowledge to help solve contemporary issues through dialogue aimed to build community wellness, service and citizenship. Join us as we hear from current SNF Paideia Fellows (all sophomores) to find out if our three year fellowship program is for you. The opportunity to apply to be an SNF Paideia fellow starts in early February. The application is open to current freshmen.

Class of 2023 SNF Paideia Fellows who will share their experience include:

Celia Kreth, Communications and Public Service, Legal Studies minor
Oliver Stern, Political Science and History
Shirali Shah, Business Economics & Public Policy (BEPP), Sociology
Kira Lucas, English and Cinema Studies

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