Media CenterSigal Ben-Porath Elected to the National Academy of Education

Sigal Ben-Porath Elected to the National Academy of Education

The National Academy of Education announced today that 22 exceptional education leaders and scholars are elected to membership in the Academy. The new members represent a wide range of expertise in education research and policy. Included among the scholars is Dr. Sigal Ben-Porath, MRMJJ Presidential Professor and SNF Paideia Faculty Director.


Headshot of woman with brown hair and silk navy blue top smiling at camera

“Professor Ben-Porath’s election to the National Academy of Education is a testament to her groundbreaking scholarship and unwavering dedication to fostering democratic values in education,” said Katharine O. Strunk, Dean of the Graduate School of Education and George and Diane Weiss Professor of Education. “Not only is Sigal a brilliant scholar, and well-deserving of this honor, but she is a true citizen of the Academy, always willing to share her ideas and expertise with institutions working to become more inclusive and equitable learning environments. We are absolutely thrilled to see Sigal and her contributions recognized at the highest level of the field.”

Carol Lee, president of the National Academy of Education said “Education, broadly conceived, is foundational to preparing students across ages to navigate the complexities of our democratic experiment in governance, the increased interdependence of our modern world, productive workforce participation, and their personal development as humans. Our distinguished colleagues now joining the National Academy of Education bring the range of expertise and commitments needed for our field to update itself and wrestle with these complexities continuously. We are delighted and honored that this cohort of scholars will join us in tackling these complexities.”

The National Academy of Education advances high quality education research and its use in policy and practice. The Academy consists of U.S. members and international associates who are elected based on outstanding scholarship or leadership related to education. Nominations are submitted by individual Academy members once a year for review and election by the organization’s membership. In addition to serving on expert study panels that address pressing issues in education, members are also deeply engaged in the Academy’s professional development fellowship programs.

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